Increase Radiologist Efficiency & Reading Workflow

Workflow and Efficiency

Your data should work for you, not add a burden on your day-to-day tasks. By standardizing your medical images, your data will make you more efficient and simplify your workflows.

  • Your worklists will have all the patients you need to report, and none of the ones you don’t
  • Studies destined for AI or 3D post-processing will automatically be routed there, no more pushing studies and waiting for results
  • Hanging protocols will load and display as you want and expect, no more manual intervention
  • Dictation templates will populate with the correct template, no need to search for the correct template
  • Referring physicians will understand studies with clinically relevant labels reducing consultations

Realize the real benefits of your PACS and reclaim lost time.

You’re called on a Sunday morning to look at an ER case but you can’t find the study in your worklist because there was a typo in the study description and it didn’t appear. ENDEX™ ensures studies have correct, clinically relevant study descriptions and label. If this has happened you, you need ENDEX.

It’s 4:30AM and you can’t find the right series to review for the trauma case because of the way series are labelled. ENDEX™ uses natural language processing and computer vision to create standardized labels regardless of how messy the data input was. If you have been frustrated about spending too much time looking for a study, you need ENDEX.

A patient in the ER presents with neurological deficits and has a CT study performed. The study never makes it to the AI processing because the study description was misspelled as CT Brian instead of CT Brain. ENDEX would catch this spelling mistake, correct it and ensure the study is routed to the AI algorithm for processing.

A teleradiology group has radiologists credentialed in different states. ENDEX appends the State into the study description so studies can be identified and routed to only those radiologists with the correct credentialling.

Better Data Quality

Our solutions help improve the data quality of your medical images.

  • Standardized study and series descriptions are consistently labelled with clinically relevant terms
  • Study and series descriptions are complete, with missing descriptions identified and automatically filled in
  • Discrepancies between pixel data and metadata are identified and flagged for attention to ensure correct labels are applied

Increase the value and usability of your medical images by standardizing the data.

improve the radiology workflow

Help Reduce Radiologist Burnout

The is a lot of artificial intelligence in healthcare, but nothing to simplify the radiologist workflow. That is until ENDEX™ was created. This medical imaging software uses AI to eliminate repetitive tasks and allow for reduced reporting times and happier radiologists. As hanging protocols break regularly, your radiology team is frustrated with the inaccurate data creating problems for these protocols. When ENDEX is deployed, these displays are consistent each time and the appropriate studies in each worklist. Finally, there is a solution to ease the frustrations radiologists face each day.

Just the Beginning of How AI is Used in Radiology

While we discuss how it all starts with data standardization, it is also important to talk about the future.

  • ENDEX™ solves right now problems for radiologists, PACS admins, IT and hospital admins.
  • ENCOG™ solves issues such as anonymizing and de-identifying patient information while keeping clinically relevant information in tact
  • The Ensight framework assists radiologists to better analyze and track data

The Ensight framework, ENDEX, and ENCOG are enriching medical image data to be that vital, yet missing piece, of a real-world evidence database. While AI for medical diagnosis is and will continue to be important, the framework will assist by allowing radiologists immediate use of those algorithms.

AI in Radiology - solutions