Why Deep Learning Is Suddenly Changing Your Life
Decades-old discoveries are now electrifying the computing industry and will soon transform corporate America. Over the past four years, readers have doubtlessly noticed quantum leaps
Decades-old discoveries are now electrifying the computing industry and will soon transform corporate America. Over the past four years, readers have doubtlessly noticed quantum leaps
Machine learning allows computers to see patterns in medical images that are invisible to human doctors. It takes years, decades even, for physicians to refine
Article Abstract Each human genome is a 3 billion base pair set of encoding instructions. Decoding the genome using deep learning fundamentally differs from most
The myth of Hephaestus’ golden handmaidens illustrates mankind’s centuries-long fascination with artificial intelligence (AI). The god of the forge created his handmaidens, who could talk
Smartphones, genome sequencing and wearable technology will bring benefits but also challenges to health and social care. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence
Article Abstract Residual networks (ResNets) have recently achieved state-of-the-art on challenging computer vision tasks. We introduce Resnet in Resnet (RiR): a deep dualstream architecture that
When IBM’s Watson computer triumphed over human champions in the quiz show “Jeopardy!” it was a stunning achievement that suggested limitless horizons for artificial intelligence.
Will radiologists eventually be replaced by artificial intelligence? Call it artificial intelligence. Deep learning. Computer cognition. Whatever its name, it’s the same thing – machines
Over the last few weeks we’ve been working on applying Deep Learning algorithms for a new VentureRadar feature we’re adding in the coming weeks. This